Case Studies
Uber Eats

Uber Eats

Uber Eats wanted support their viral TVC campaign "Almost almost everything on Uber Eats" (starring Kendall and Kris Jenner, Abbie Chatfield, and Shannon Noll) with a social campaign starring Australian influencers announcing that Coles is live on Uber Eats with products set at in-store prices.

The highlight of this campaign is that the creative was influencer led. This allowed the influencer to tailor the viral line "Almost almost anything" to be organic to their characters and tone of their channel.

The creators chosen were Nick White and Fairbairn Films across Instagram and TikTok.

The combined creator effort amounted to a highlight of 103k impressions + 220 shares across Instagram, and 115k impressions 104 saves and 137 comments on TikTok.

Influencer Marketing